报告人:Dr.Sulin Zhang张宿林教授
报告题目:The development and future of mechanics
Dr. Sulin Zhang received his BS from Dalian University of Technology, MS from Tsinghua University in 1997, and PhD from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2002, all from Engineering Mechanics. He is currently the Professor in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics and Department of BioEngineering at The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Zhang’s research interests generally lie in multiscale modeling of nanostructured and bio-inspired materials and of processes that occur at nano-bio interfaces, and experimental cell mechanics. Dr. Zhang is the recipient of The Oak Ridge Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award in 2006, the Early Career Development Award from National Science Foundation in 2007, and ICS Fellow and Rustum and Della Roy Innovation in Materials Research Award at PSU.
上一条:澳大利亚西澳大学,机械与化学工程学院副院长Adam Wittek教授 下一条:New Eigenvalue Criteria for Structural Optimization For Harmonic Loading